Research and teaching
My research in the recent past (2005–2022) is summarized on this page.
Main focus: I’m working on a book on philosophical issues in microbiome research. It’s still in progress and should be out in 2025 with Harvard University Press. Topics include: host-microbiome individuality, phylosymbiosis and other evolutionary patterns, the nature of microbiomes, microbiome causality in hosts, microbiomes and health, microbiome research and traditional microbiology, and some general thoughts on philosophy of microbiome research.
- Third-year interdisciplinary project course (HPSC3888)
- First-year Science Dalyell Scholars project course (SCDL1991)
- First-year philosophy of science: What Is This Thing Called Science? (HPSC1001)
- Third-year history and philosophy of biology and biomedicine (HPSC3002)
- Honours philosophy of science (HPSC4101)
- Various guest lectures: HPS of women in STEM, HPS and indigenous knowledge, philosophy of modelling